i feel happy for operation becoz of the live after that is juz so longed!
10.1x am, the first injection made the regret took over the happiness!
damn godness,
the first injection did not work out as the doctor said my vain is juz so narrow..
here, the second came!
without any warning, the needle was injected inside my left hand's vain! oucccccccchhhhh!!
the tear nearly streaming down..... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
eiieiei? where is the first needle? when it was pulled out? i hav no idea as i was in my very own "wonder"land at the moment!
hoho.. second is not enuf!
10. 2x am, the third one!
the anesthetic!! oucccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhh! the live-taken injection!
i will never forget the feeling..
the solution will transfer from the back of left hand to the whole body... the solution is somehow cool... the muscles were cramping whenever the solution flew through
.. you hav no way to run... you hav no energy to move.. even a finger.. i was totally helpless! the tear cant even drop out!
when i sensed that the solution went through half of my body, i fell a deeeep sleep....
11.4x am..... my eyes opened.. but i cant move.. the only one can move was eyeballs!
i was keep on struggling... struggling for water.. my throat is aching! sore throat!!!!!!!
i needed water! water! water! i was groaning and crying.... but... no ppl wanna treat me... the only one who came to me was only a the male nurse ( the nurse who taking care of me from the start, quite fat.. quite ugly, but he is kind ♥ )
he told me: 小妹,你回去就可以喝水了...小妹,你等一下,很快很快...小妹,我打电话去催了。
he urged the ward nurses 3 times! so touching.. the nurse treated me very well *thumb up*
after the operation....
i was in the ward for so long...... only my bf was there with me.... and my mom with me at night..
so boring.. so so so boring... my days was made with comics, fiction and magazine.. laying on the bed... rolling my eyeballs... the hospital blocks the msn and pps..

still got lotz of time to capture... =.=
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