ahhemmm... not selling hair care product here!
it's all for my own use!
i din realise that i have spent so much money in the hair care...
i gonna list out the price one by one!
let's start from the top of left-hand side
1. nexxen : rm35
2. elipse : 2boxes + 5 extra capsules : rm16.xx
3. sunsilk conditioners (straighten - grey & manageable - pink) : rm11.xx
4. essential essence treatment cream : rm12.88
5. sunsilk treatment cream : rm13.xx
6. pantene overnight cream : rm12.xx
7. pantene leave-on : rm6.xx
the bottom
8. 2 boxes of loreal paris treatment cream : rm17
approximately rm100 i hv spent...
maybe it's juz a small amount for others.
for me, it's quite a lot...
so, i have decided not to buy anymore unless i use up all of these.
if you asked me, are these bringing good effect for ur hair?
hmm.. nt so sure..
tis is becoz i m using these at one time... wad i mean here is that i use the different products from time to time... becoz i dun wan my hair to get used to the hair product n thus stop reacting with the product. tis is what i read from the net.. for example, i used elipse today, nexxen for tomolo and pantene leave-on n over9 for the another day. whereas, those treatment cream i used them as often as conditioner except the loreal paris (becoz it is more expensive as compared to the others) how about the conditioners? erm.. i seldom use them unless i hv no time to do a proper treatment. conditioner is the best choice for leave n rinse. the salesman told me that the conditioner will juz leave a temporary effect but not in long run. so, i din really invest much effort n money on it!
from my personal experience, elipse is nice to use as it has nice fragrance and it doesnt leave my hair oily all the day. the next one will be the over-night cream from Pantene! it's nicethat it has a great effect on the second day... but, the effect gone once the hair is washed. for temporary effect soon after hair washing, Sunsilk treatment cream would be the best choice!
however, i havent got a nice cream to leave my hair a great effect in the long term.. where can i get tis kind of cream? hmmm.. a no-answer question. even someone told me, "the xxx is very very good oooo~~~" but, the price must be 3-digit amount. in addition, a product which is suitable for you might not hv the same effect for other as well. what a disappointment!
all in sudden, i browsed through a web today! self-made shampoo! it's actually semi-self-made! haha! it's juz requesting u to add in some ingredients! i did have a try on it! how amazing tis experience would be?
( pick it from http://women.sohu.com/20041216/n223289762.shtml )
it's so easy to make n use! juz that it's smelly... when i was pouring the shampoo on my head, i got th feeling that i was cooking! how would it taste if i put my hair into an oven Xd seems tasty! after all steps, i had my very tasty hair! initially, it does not smell bad and it's quite nice to smell instead!perhaps, it has mixed up with shampoo.. however, as it was in the half way of drying, the smell of albumin coming out! yuck!!!!! i have to apply Elipse on my hair immediately!!!
i hv no idea whether i feel it mentally or it's real that the so called shampoo works well on the dark coloured hair, but i will continue using it for the coming week! only then i update my blog on the effect ♥